Join millions of people appearing on friend's blogs every day

Join millions of people who let their friends know they're visiting with a photo and direct link to their blog or profile on the Web. Feedjit is the largest provider of visitor identity in the world.

We ensure you can manage your privacy by letting you choose where you appear and giving you tools to remove yourself at any time.


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Where would you like your name and photo to link to when you visit

Link to my personal blog or website (get more visitors)
Link to my Twitter profile page (get more followers)
Link to my Facebook profile page (make more friends)

Please sign in with Twitter

To link to your Twitter profile you need to sign in to Twitter.
Click the button below to be taken to Twitter to sign in now.

To keep Feedjit spam free and family friendly please confirm the items below.

My site is family friendly.
My site is about me. (not a commercial or business site)
My site does not contain any web spam.

Enter your personal blog or website URL below

Sorry but your website is listed as unsafe for children or dangerous by one of our website rating services.